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  3. 新秘珮珮Lara 新娘秘書 彩妝造型
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新秘珮珮Lara 新娘秘書 彩妝造型
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張郡郡 評論了 新秘珮珮Lara 新娘秘書 彩妝造型

我在去年,從加拿大飛回台灣,也就是2019年的10月3日在台灣拍婚紗的這天,遇見了Lara佩珊,我的專業彩妝造型師,第一次拍婚紗照的我,難免緊張又擔心,但是在完妝之後,親眼看見擁有專業加上細緻的Lara珮珊彩妝造型師,用她神奇的雙手,打造出美美的自己,其實讓我當下放心又感激!彩妝顏色、頭髮造型、造型的佩飾,不同禮服需要的整體妝感和搭配,她都幫妳想好了,真的很貼心也很用心!謝謝在這最美的時刻遇見這麼美好的妳!真心推薦想要拍出美美的婚紗或是想要擁有美美婚禮的女孩們!務必想盡辦法......把Lara珮珊預約到妳的身邊,當妳的專屬彩妝造型師!推薦指數5顆星星❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️圖片是我當天拍攝的婚紗照啦!害羞🥰 再次謝謝Lara珮珊。愛妳的Sunny 2020年4月9日

I went back to Taiwan from Canada last year, that is the day I took Pre-wedding Photos in Taiwan on October 3, 2019. I met Lara Pei-shan, my professional makeup stylist. It was my first time taking wedding photos. I was nervous and worried, but after finishing the makeup, I saw the professional and meticulous work of Lara Pei-shan.who used her magical hands to create a beautiful for me. when that moment, she made me be ease and grateful! Makeup color, hair styling, styling accessories, the overall makeup required by different dresses, she has helped a lot. If you think about it, it is really intimate and very hard! Thank you for meeting you so beautiful at this most beautiful moment! I really recommend girls who want to make a beautiful wedding dress or want to have a beautiful wedding! Make sure to do your best ... Appoint Lara Pei-shan to your side and be your exclusive makeup stylist! The recommended index is 5 stars. picture is my wedding photo taken that day! Thanks Lara Pei-shan. Sunny April 9, 2020



